# Access requests The page [access requests](https://igsn.uni-kiel.de/admin/repository/access_request/en/) page provides an overview of all your current and previously processed access requests to a repository. Additionally, on this page, you have the option to request the creation of a new repository for your project or request access to an existing repository. ![Repository access request overview](../_static/access_request_overview.png) Each repository access request is in a certain state. The following is an overview of the different states a repository access request can have. Status | Description ------ | ----------- *Pending* | This is the default state, when you have submitted a repository access request. Pending requests must be approved by the owner of the repository. You can edit or remove pending registration requests. *Approved* | The owner of the repository has approved the request. *Denied* | The owner of the repository has denied the request.